Our story

Our story

From an early age, Louis Lechat was drawn to nature.  The forests and landscapes of the Hautes Fagnes are his sources of inspiration. It was thus only natural that he should found “Gardens Louis Lechat ” in 1987, a company specialising in gardening and landscaping, with an eye for detail and biodiversity.

Today, our company can count on the loyalty of more than 15 employees, all passionate about their work and united by the same values. A deliberate choice was made for a human scale company that also relies on a team of subcontractors, qualified in fields as diverse as joinery, electricity, ironwork, plumbing, earthworks, irrigation, etc.

In 2013, Louis Lechat’s wife, Isabel Demay, joined the team to develop the management of the business.  Her arrival allowed Louis to concentrate on his passion: nature! 

In 2022, Pénélope Adans, a graduate of the Haute Ecole Charlemagne (Gembloux, Garden and Landscape Architecture), joined Gardens Louis Lechat.  Thanks to her sensitivity and expertise, we can offer you the complete landscaping and design of your parks and gardens.